DCRPLA Deer Creek Ranch Parks and Lakes Association (DCRPLA)


Join or Renew

Support your neighborhood by joining the association. The association is 100% volunteer-based and focused strictly on parks maintenance and beautification (we are not an HOA). More information is in our FAQ (below). Our next meeting (open to members and new residents) will be held 7PM at Lower Lake (655 Panorama Dr in case of rain) on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024.


$12.50 / mo

  • Gate code access
  • Membership stickers (after 12 consecutive payments)
  • Association updates
  • Event notifications
  • Email support
Street Address:


$125 / yr

  • Gate code access
  • Membership stickers
  • Voting privileges
  • Event notifications
  • Email support
Street Address:



  • For length of residence
  • No renewals to remember
  • Full membership privileges
  • Membership stickers
  • Lifetime member status
  • Additional perks
Street Address:

* Gate code will be delivered within minutes of PayPal payment to the email address provided by PayPal (please check your spam folder if you do not see it). Although membership fees are very low for the benefits the association provides, we also offer 1-year membership for 8 or more hours of supervised volunteer work. Contact us to learn more about the volunteer option.

Membership Benefits

Members enjoy access to 33 acres of parkland and lakes as well as gated access to playground with parking, volleyball area, and beach. Take a relaxing stroll along the hiking trails, cast your line to see what you catch, paddle out into the water, or bring your children to the playground; there's something for all ages:


Find answers to frequently asked questions related to the association and the neighborhood here

Answer: At this time most amenities are provided on a first come, first served basis. This includes tables for birthday parties. If you would like to camp at the upper lake, we do ask that you email dcrpoa@gmail.com at least one week in advance with the date and group size.
Answer: Annual meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of June at 10am. Semi-annual meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of January at 10am. Both meetings take place at Lower Lake.

We also have monthly meetings at 7pm. When it is light outside at that time, we hold meetings at the Lower Lake, otherwise they are held in the old Community Center.

Any Class A or B member (as specified in by-laws) may attend a meeting; this generally means active members of the association in good standing who ALSO own personal property in Deer Creek Ranch or Montebella. Voting rights are limited to members in attendance who have paid for one or more years.
Answer: Agendas are prepared in advance for each meeting. If your topic is time sensitive, please contact us a minimum of 3 days in advance of the next meeting to request that your item be considered.

Depending upon the item being considered, the board may postpone introducing the item until the next semi-annual meeting.

If you simply would like to make an announcement, we have an open discussion period at the end of each meeting that would be suitable.
Answer: Webinars require reliable, high-speed Internet access, which we do not currently have at the Lower Lake.

During 2020, we DID offer a call-in option for several months with details publicly posted on our website. No member EVER took advantage of the option and we ultimately ended this on account of the additional set-up required.
Answer: We post the minutes from semi-annual and annual meetings right here on our website ONCE THEY ARE APPROVED.

This generally happens shortly after the monthly meeting FOLLOWING the semi-annual or annual meeting, meaning they get posted toward the end of February or July. We lack the resources to post approved monthly meeting minutes, but we keep these minutes on record and can provide them via email.
Answer: Although the association is volunteer-based, there are costs to keep it in operation. These primarily include taxes, insurance, entrance lights to the subdivision (2 on RR12 and 1 on Hamilton Pool Rd), trash collection, porta potty service, grass cutting, and water testing (during summer) at the playground. These operating expenses are a little more than $1,000 per month.

We currently average 225 members, which means that our budget for improvements in 2021 is approximately $20,000. The association is also responsible for maintaining the playground entrance, the road across the dam, the fishing entrance, and 33 acres of park land. Any unexpected maintenance issues can quickly eliminate funds available for improvements, but we make the most of what's available. Deer Creek Ranch includes nearly 750 lots and greater participation is the quickest route to making more improvements feasible.
Answer: The value of your property is impacted by the aesthetics of the park and playground; both are prominently featured in every Deer Creek Ranch listing. If you drive across the lower lake dam, you benefit from the association (this is not maintained by the county). These are the two most tangible benefits you receive from the association, whether you are a member or not. Please support your community and join the association.
Answer: Yes, the association sold its community center in 2019 to fund needed improvements. The sale and improvements were unanimously approved by participating membership. The dam road and playground entrance cost nearly $80,000. Fence and gates cost approximately $15,000. The remaining funds went toward addressing significant erosion at the upper lake. If you would like to see more tangible improvements like these, please join the association and/or make a donation.
Answer: Any swimming at lower lake is at your own risk and no lifeguards are on duty. The lower lake is a natural body of water, not a swimming pool. As a natural body of water, bacterial levels fluctuate. We follow the EPA's water quality guidelines, which define an upper limit for what is considered "safe" for swimming and only test during the summer when water temperatures are closer to human body temperature. We use E. Coli levels as an indicator for gauging the concentration of bacteria considered harmful to humans and generally take tests to the lab a couple weeks after a major rainfall during the summer. You should never swim in the lower lake within two weeks of a heavy rain and we recommend avoiding the water when Hamilton Pool is closed for swimming. Additionally, the EPA recommends that you immediately shower with soap and water after exiting any natural body of water. If you are immuno-compromised in any way, you should not swim at the lower lake or any other natural body of water that potentially harbors bacteria. Testing for every possible contaminant is cost prohibitive and impractical (this isn't drinking water) and we cannot rule out the presence of non-E. coli bacteria, pathogenic amoeba, toxic algae or other chemical toxins that may make you or your pets sick. Historically, E. coli levels have been well below established acceptable limits, but if we are ever notified by the testing facility of excessive bacterial levels, we will promptly post to social media and via e-mail. Please research the risks associated with swimming in natural bodies of water and use your best judgment.
Answer: Aside from the stretch of road across the lower lake dam, the association does not maintain any of the roads in the subdivision. Roads located within Hays County are maintained by Hays County and is who you should contact if there is a problem. Some of the roads located within Travis County are maintained by the county, but many are not. There is a specific procedure to go through in order to get the county to adopt and maintain a substandard road (unfortunately, simply being a tax paying landowner is insufficient). This procedure is not trivial (but also not insurmountable) and any builder or real estate agent who suggests otherwise is likely misinformed or misrepresenting the situation. If you would like a road paved, you should be prepared to do some legwork, raise some money, and collaborate with your neighbors.
Answer: If you represent a real estate agency or title company, please note that we are located in Dripping Springs, TX. We are not an HOA and are unable to provide these documents. If you are a resident or prospective buyer, you should be able to obtain deed restriction documents from a competent real estate agent or title company. We are similarly unable to provide a survey.
Answer: Ideally, you would attend one of our regular meetings. Electronic communication is prone to misinterpretation. However, we understand that attending a meeting may not be practical, so e-mail to dcrpoa@gmail.com is the next best option. You may also find the answer to your question on our website or in our auto-response message to your email. Please understand that all work is done by volunteers as time allows and it sometimes takes a day or two before we see your message. Facebook or NextDoor are generally NOT good options and create unnecessary work for volunteers. Because we are an association, responses in a public forum like Facebook or Next Door may be impersonal. Public forums also invite poorly informed conjecture that is likely to be misleading to other members and the public in general. ** If your concern relates to trespassers, aggressive dogs off-leash, or illegal dumping, you should contact the Sheriff.
Answer: This is usually a question we get AFTER a decision has been made by membership. Every one of our meetings are open to membership at large and predicting what agenda item matters to one member versus another is impossible. Being involved in decision making processes does require your active engagement, which we try to facilitate as much as possible with our limited volunteer resources.

The association generally postpones any major decisions until its next semi- or annual meeting to ensure the greatest participation. For the most significant transaction in recent history, we communicated the listing and sale of the community center and how the proceeds were allocated through email, water bill inserts, signs, and social media a year or more in advance, but doing this for every single agenda item isn't practical. This is why the association has a board of directors to represent its interests during those interim periods.
Answer: We are a non-profit association (registered with both the Texas Secretary of State and federal government), but not a 501(3)(c). Registering for and maintaining a 501(3)(c) would introduce a level of unnecessary complexity and expense that would be inappropriate.
Answer: The association has a long history that is not very well understood by most. Additionally, the scope of the association has narrowed considerably from what it has been in the past. It is likely that XYZ is no longer true (if it ever was). Additionally, the association is more than a single board member; it is its membership. Refusing to join the assocation ultimately hurts the community and your immediate neighbors.
Answer: Montebella's HOA has not renewed membership in the association on behalf of its residents for several years. If you are a Montebella resident, we welcome you to join the association, but you will have to do so on an individual basis.
Answer: You should receive an email with the current gate code within an hour of completing payment online. Please note that the email goes to the address PayPal provides, which may be different than what you're expecting. It's also possible that your email provider is flagging the notification as spam (check your spam folder). The most reliable way to get gate code updates is to email your cell # to dcrpoa@gmail.com and we will add this to your account for automated gate code notifications by text message.
Answer: We try to mail out new member packets monthly, but sometimes it can take longer. If it's been more than 30 days, please email us to be sure your envelope wasn't lost in the mail. If you're renewing your membership, you may continue to use your existing membership stickers. For renewals, we don't mail out additional stickers unless you specifically request them.
Answer: Gate codes change about once every 3 months. If you are no longer receiving gate code update emails or text messages, the most likely reason is that your membership expired. You may easily renew online to re-activate it or email us if you're uncertain.
Answer: The association is focused strictly on parks matters. We do not have the authority or capacity to enforce any particular policies in the neighborhood. If you receive any notices along these lines, it is most likely associated with your HOA if you are a Montebella resident.
Answer: NO. While Deer Creek Ranch property owners enjoy few restrictions in how their property may be used, there ARE restrictions codified in the historical deeds tied to the properties. The primary building considerations relate to minimum square footage and building materials, which, in most cases excludes trailers / mobile homes. The deed restrictions also prevent homeowners from living on a property prior to completion of a primary residence that meets the building restrictions. This means, for example, that a homeowner may park an RV in front of the home, but that a property owner cannot park an RV on a lot to serve as the sole and primary residence.
Answer: DCRPLA is not an HOA. It's sole purpose is the maintenance of the community parks and lakes. Homeowners are encouraged to pursue legal means of enforcing existing deed restrictions, but this does not fall under the purview of DCRPLA.
Answer: Your agent should have provided you a copy of the deed restrictions when you purchased your property and a title search should have surfaced these documents as well. Setbacks specified within the deed restrictions should also be indicated on your survey. For your convenience, we have posted copies of the filed deed restrictions for each area within Deer Creek Ranch.
Answer: While many neighborhoods have especially burdensome property usage restrictions, the minimal deed restrictions on your property are very easy to abide and make for good neighbor relations. It is also useful to know what rights you have in ensuring your property value. Consequences of violating the deed restrictions may come in one of two forms: 1.) difficulty selling your property when you put it on the market and/or 2.) potential legal action brought by homeowners affected by your violating the deed restrictions.
Answer: You may click here to download the association's bylaws (MS-Word format)
Answer: We welcome our members to fish both upper and lower lakes. Fishing is catch and release for most species, but you may take any catfish you catch. For the safety of swimmers and children, we request that you not fish on the playground side of the lower lake, but you are welcome to fish from any other location. When fishing, please do not leave any hooks or broken lines behind. These become hazardous to wildlife and pets.
Answer: If you are just looking for places to fish, click here for some great spots: https://do512family.com/kid-friendly-fishing-austin/
Answer: All dogs in the park should remain on-leash at all times. If you see a dog off-leash, do not confront the owner; call the sheriff. Regardless of how friendly / well-trained your dog might be, dogs can respond unpredictably and make other members fearful for the safety of themselves or their pet.
Answer: The park is privately owned by the association, with access rights extended to its members. If you are not an active member, entering the park is considered trespassing and may be prosecuted. If you enjoy the park, please make a small effort to support it.
Answer: The most reliable way to receive updates is to become a member, but we also use https://www.remind.com/join/dcrpla to send occassional text messages and smartphone notifications. You do not need to be a member to use this service.
Answer: Glad you asked! One of the easiest ways to help is to encourage your friends and neighbors to join the association. You may make a financial contribution (whether or not you are a member) below or donate something more tangible like playground equipment or park benches. Volunteer help with our many projects is always appreciated as well. If you have an idea to help, email dcrpoa@gmail.com or present it at our next meeting.
Answer: For your convenience we prominently post the next meeting date and location right here at the top of this page. This gets updated automatically and should provide you up to 30 days advance notice or our next meeting date.



Community Center Deed

Association Bylaws

Make a Donation

We appreciate a donation of ANY amount, but if you would like to be recognized at a particular level please consider an individual donation as a Bronze ($50+), Silver ($100+), or Gold ($250+) level Friend of the Park. If you wish to donate as a business, please consider becoming a Bronze ($250+), Silver ($500+), Gold ($1,000+), or Platinum ($2,500+) level Friend. A membership is not required to donate and you can direct how you would like your donation spent. Please also share our donation link with others: https://www.paypal.me/deercreek

Neighborhood Pride

Click here to share your neighborhood pride with Deer Creek Ranch merchandise from Zazzle.